Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lucky you, sandwiched between two pilots!

Yesterday I saw a post on Facebook.
"Here we go again, second blood transfusion in a week. Isaiah 40:31"
It was written by a sweet Faithfully Fit sister who now resides over 4 hours away from my hometown. The Lord brought her to our area for a brief time, but time enough for many of us to simply fall in love with her sweet energetic spirit and smile. We have been able to visit her once since the Lord carried her back up the mountain closer to her hearts home. On that trip we prayed for healing. We wait patiently for the Lord to work, trusting in Him.
When I saw this post I went straight to prayer. And then to the Word.
As Christian sisters we get the great opportunity to lift others to the Lord.
Go to Him trusting and believing that He will answer.
 As I laid in bed last night and spoke again to the Savior on behalf of my sister I apologized for my worry. This morning I went back in prayer and in study to find this old devotion written to others in 2012 and now to my own heart. I hope that you enjoy and find the relevance as I did! 
(2/13/2012 Morning Motivation email) 
Good Morning ladies!
I am writing you this from the southern state of Alabama! ...
Before my travels I asked for prayer for this trip. My safe travel, my time with a good friend, my family to pull together everything while I was away. When you ask for prayer or pray yourself what is your expectation? Do you go to the Lord expecting great things? Do you call out to Him with boldness or timidity?
Earlier this year I shared my goal of strengthening my prayer life and after reading through the Word I chose James 1:6 to be my bible verse of encouragement. It states, "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."
Have you ever been afraid to ask someone for help? I know I have. This verse helps remove any fear that I have in asking of the Lord to provide for my needs. This verse reminds me to go boldly in belief that He not only wants my requests, but that he will respond. Without that belief my prayers are lifted and without result...blown and tossed by the wind. I enjoy talking to the Lord, sharing my hopes and my fears. And then I like to look for all that He does in response.
It's not always easy to see the results of prayer, especially if we forget to look. Especially if we are not patient and even persistent. But trust me when I say God never fails to answer and sometime His sense of humor shines through! Part of my prayer for my trip was safe travel- remember? Well, my specific prayer was for the Lord to have angels present watching over my flights. As I boarded my first plane I approached my seat and was a little confused. It was a row of three seats and mine was the middle. The window seat was already a pilot! I chuckled to myself just a little, but at this point was really just wondering why a pilot would be flying coach. The plane was packed, but the third seat in my row remained unoccupied almost until the last passenger boarded. I was actually considering that I would be able to slide over and couldn't believe the luck of a full plane and an empty seat beside me! But just at the last minute someone boarded, headed toward my row and took that last seat. The passenger dressed in white looked at me and looked in the seat next to me and then spoke, "lucky you, sandwiched between two pilots!" You had to laugh a little and after a moment I responded, "I asked God for angels and he sent me pilots! You do have your wings don't you?" Most of the flight I spent reading and wondering how God could be so good and so real, but how I tend to overlook Him in the daily things.
His goodness continued on my trip. I was the most anxious about changing flights in Atlanta because I had very little time to get to the right gate. The second pilot explained a map of the Atlanta airport to me and told me exactly which direction to turn as I got off the plane. He also reminded me to check the board to see if the gate had changed since I had checked it earlier before my flight....sure enough the gate had changed. My second flight was delayed slightly and I sat comfortably 1 minute before the planned boarding time...God assuring me that He was in control, not to worry, my prayers had been heard and answered!
By the way, I did inquire as to why the pilots were flying coach and not business class or first class. The response? "We used to be up there, but recently they changed that and we only get to be there if the seats are not full."
Take your prayers to the Lord, believing that He is there and will answer. Then look for His response! I lifted my friend in bold prayer before the Lord because He desires my trust and I know He is faithful to answer.
Present your requests before the Lord trusting in Him to answer.
Be watchful for His answer.
Laugh when you see His humor.
Know that He understands your heart.
Love to all- Jodie
Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me...
Acts 12:11

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