Friday, January 31, 2014

The Snow Reminds

I am reminded.
Reminded of why I lost weight.
As I ran through the snow and as I sat low on the sled to be pulled behind a 4-wheeler...reminded. When my daughter was learning to ride a bike I was struggling to run behind the bike because I was short of breath. My doctor had mentioned I had gained weight and I began to look at photos and sure enough...I had. This wonderful winter snow reminded me of the great reasons I started to work toward getting fit and why now I enjoy the benefits of working on my fitness each week.
Since my journey began I realized God's call for me to serve the Lord while getting fit. It has been the greatest blessing of this journey! I am reminded how thankful I am to the one who asked me to join her on her journey of following God's ministry call. And as snow accumulated and we were unable to have our Faithfully Fit classes I really missed everyone. All the prayer time, devotions and laughter during crunches! I look forward to a normal schedule returning soon. But even though I was not able to be with each lady individually they were in my heart, prayers and thoughts! I thought of each of you as I ran through the snow. I was so thankful for all those who encourage one another each week by working out together. I thought of you each as I laid on the ground after hitting a bump, falling off the sled and knew that you would each laugh with me at our next class as we all reminisce about our snow experiences.
In writing this brief blog I am reminded. Reminded that there is joy, fun, laughter and more with the ladies of Faithfully Fit. Here are a few photos to make us smile on a cold winter day:

Making goals together and cheering one another to the finish!  Color Run 2013
Posing for our first magazine article.

Acting like the kids at VBS...because we can!

Traveling together, keeping in touch, exploring God's world!  
I am reminded that God is so good!
See everyone at the next appointed time!
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:31

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