Monday, October 14, 2013

Writer's Block!

Writers Block!
No one who loves to write wants it, but most who write have experienced it.
For two days I have stared at a blank screen and nothing.
Even now the words don't flow as freely as normal. But from experience I know that to get through the block I must press past the "white space" on the page.
I've always liked to write.
As a little girl I played school for fun.
As a school girl I wrote..."I will not talk in class".
As a teenager I wrote countless notes to friends.
As a mother I wrote to my unborn child.
As a wife I wrote to my husband in the military.
As a daughter and granddaughter I wrote home.
Now, I write to tell others about Christ and His love for each of His beloved.

Paul wrote letter after to letter to those he wanted to tell about Christ. As he traveled, when he was imprisoned, he wrote. He reached out. He loved. He encouraged. All through written word.
John wrote to encourage, instruct and share. John wrote truth wrapped in Love.
The Bible is the inspired word of God.
The Bible is worth reading over and over. Daily it will speak truth and love into your heart.

This miserable writer's block has now persisted over two weeks. Yesterday I searched for inspiration.
I just knew today would be the day.
The day the block would be removed.
But it is still there.
It's the meantime...I will read the letters of Paul, John and others all within the Bible. Those writings are far more profitable than those I pen.

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