Monday, September 23, 2013


This week I have been reminded over and over how aligning your thoughts with the thoughts of our creator is vital!
Vital to our daily walk with Christ.
Vital to relationships with others.
Vital to the body of Christ being united.

Yesterday we all held our breath in Sunday school as we opened the lesson to see that we were studying something that most have admitted trouble achieving...using words appropriately. All sitting around the tables in our small class knew that it was likely that "toe stepping" was coming. Thankfully, an early morning session alone with God had prepared me with a willing spirit to learn!

The book of James has much to say about not saying much...
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (1:19)

How often have you wished you had heeded this truth? I can count numerous times. Oh to go back and erase the many words I have been to quick to speak. There was a time that I had nothing good to say because I was not filling my heart and mind with good things. My thoughts were that of what I ingested from the world.
My bible somewhere gathering dust.
How do we communicate in the way the Father intended, if we do not first let Him communicate?
Be quick to listen.
Quick to listen to the Father.
Quick to hear the still, small voice.
Quick to discover His words and let them mold yours.

I watched, well I read, how a few small words was tearing at the heart of another this week. I recalled when the same sort of words tore at my heart. It only takes a few words to break a spirit.

"Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." James 3:5
If we are going to use the words of our mouth to set a fire, isn't it best that the blaze be one that does not destroy. Can we slow down and purpose our words to light a fire for Christ?
Set our souls on fire Lord!
Vital. Vital to align our toughts with Christ. So that when we set a fire it is not to destroy and take down a great forest.
How can we be encouaraged knowing that "Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing" (James 3:10)? We can be encouraged through prayer and study of the word that assures us that the power of God lives in us and is able to do immeasuably more that we could imagine. We can be encouarged that we can call on Him whose greatest purpose is to Love and share love through us when we stop to listen, encouarge and shower others with that same love and encouragement.

It is vital that our thoughts and words be His.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
When we use words to build the Kingdom He will be pleased.
When we set a fire for the Kingdom He will be pleased.

Vital. Vital to align with God.


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