Monday, August 4, 2014

Interwoven By Prayer!

It's a word that came to me a few days ago as I prayed for women that I have met once and likely will only meet again by chance. But we are interwoven.
Interwoven by a great God who created us all.
Interwoven by a like desire to share Christ with others through our written and spoken words.
And now, interwoven by my prayers.
While I continued to organize all the information that I recently received at Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks conference I prayed over the ladies I was able to share time and stories. Stories of ministries, families, hopes and desires. I had a heart felt desire to stay connected in some way and then I remembered my prayers for them are our connection. And greater than our connection to one another, they are the link that then tie us to God. In Romans chapter 1 and verse 9 Paul states, "For God as my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers". Paul was not always able to be near those he lifted in his prayers, but he was always able to pray. While traveling, while imprisoned, while out spreading the truth of Jesus He was able to pray. He often mentioned this and often asked for the prayers of others.
We are interwoven by a common Creator.
We are interwoven by a uniform heart's desire.
We are interwoven by whispered prayers.
Today I will be placing all the cards of those I met at She speaks in a woven gift. It's a handcrafted bag created by an adult orphan raised in Myanmar who works in a loom house. The bright blue work of art was given to me by a sister named Stephanie who I now lift in prayer. I lift her up because she works in an environment where people ridicule her for praying with people. Interwoven!
Today I pray for a sweet Faithfully Fit sister who lives 6 hours away, up a mountain that I only get to travel to once a year at best. She created the jewelry pictured above and prays over each piece as she handcrafts them with wire and beads. Interwoven!
Last night as I turned through pages of a prayer journal, penned a prayer for my college bound son, I saw the names of two sweet friends with a young growing family. Today I saw a post. It's their anniversary! Interwoven!
Would you like to be woven in? Woven into my prayerful heart. I like to whisper One-Word Prayers. It may not seem like much but I trust that when God hears your name and your chosen One-Word He knows the one He Knit together and He knows the need represented by that One-Word Prayer.
Send me your One-Word.
Let's be interwoven!
Lifting high the name of the One who weaves us together~ Jodie

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