Well, that is the enthusiastic statement I read on social media yesterday.
The funny thing is that while I did not have that exact thought earlier in the day I had a similar thought. I was riding out to my mother's house to take some medical supplies and my mind wondered. What is today's date? After missing several days of work to help take care of my mom I had lost track of the actual date. Then it dawned on me...the month of June is almost over. Summer feels like it just started. But here I am, one week away from our families summer vacation, one month away from my son moving away for college and apparently six months away from Jesus' Birthday!
But let me back up. Let me explain why I would even share this here on our Faithfully Fit blog.
Something huge usually happens in the month of June in my life. And it's still happening.
But for the first time in over 16 years I am not participating (a tear is forming).
Vacation Bible School. Or more affectionately known as, VBS.
VBS is taking place at my home church and I am missing.
I am missing the children run in each night with smiles on their faces.
Missing the contagious songs that get stuck in your head and won't leave you alone at night.
Missing the tired feet after a long week of standing, running, walking.
Missing the stories of Jesus from a child's voice.
Thankfully, God has given me the great joy of participating through prayer. And also the great treasure of showing me how He answers our prayers.
You see, over a year ago I began praying about my involvement with VBS and what it should be in 2014. I knew that my life would be a little different with a son graduating high school and I know that balance is an important part of any life and in Christian service. So I began to pray to see the path God needed for me to take.
I'm good at multi-tasking.
I can do so many things.
But what Lord? What? What would you have me to do?
His answer was for me to bow out of VBS in 2014.
Honestly, it was not the easiest of choices for me to make.
Thankfully, God spoke and I listened.
You see as I stepped out on my patio this morning to hear the birds a moment He spoke again. He said, "I knew where you needed to be long before you did".
I knew that one month before VBS I had a huge Women's event to not only plan for but also to speak at with my faithful sister Donna. God is just starting a work in the ministry we call Faithfully Following. I knew that my son and my niece would be graduating from high school and there would be many activities, family gatherings and events happening. But I did not know that my husband would have surgery nor that my mother would have surgery.
He did.
God did.
And God knew that I would need to help with their care. And He also knew that He had plans for others to step up to VBS. His work would be done. And it's ok that it was without me (ouch).
And yesterday "six months until Christmas" was not the only thing I read on social media.
I read, "We had 8 kids come to accept Christ in our class last night" (Happy tear!).
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Lindsey Walker and Freddi Davis, mother and daughter serving together in VBS! |
So this morning I praise the One is always present to hear my prayers.
Always answers in the right and loving way.
The One who knows all the moments of my day.
Always overseeing what is best.
I praise my Father, God in Heaven, Lord of lords, and King of kings as He brings the little children into the Kingdom!
~ Jodie
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