"And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered Him faithful who had made the promise." Hebrews 11:11
Sarai ("my princess") or Sarah ("princess"), is mentioned more times in the Bible than any other woman even Mary, Jesus' mother. She was the half-sister of her husband Abraham, and she was barren. (Genesis 11:30) Sarah is known for her physical beauty, her radiance, her faith and her mistakes. Sarah was..well... just like us!!
God had promised Abraham on more than one occasion that he would be the father of great nations and that through his offspring the Messiah would come (Genesis 12:1-3). Much like Eve being a part of the Seed that would crush the serpent (Satan), Sarah had a role in this promise that God had made Abraham. But for years we see that Sarah remained barren, but we also see that she remained faithful. Faithful to her husband, as his wife, and protected by God when Abraham would try to "pass her off" as just his sister. (Genesis 12:10-20). She had her faults too, the biggest being the seed of doubt that she let grow in her heart that God would not provide Abraham a son. (Genesis 16:2-5) She tried to concoct a man-made solution to a divine situation...and well, it did not work. God was waiting to put His power on display. God wanted no doubt that He had allowed Sarah to have a son at such an old age (much like He wanted Jesus' mother to be a virgin so that there would be no doubt to His divine nature). And when God did all that He had promised there was much laughter! (Genesis 21:6)
Radiance: "Light reflected by something"...or Someone.
We all have times in our life when we feel barren. When we feel that God is never going to fulfill His promises. When we wonder why we continue to be faithful because it seems that no one else is. But when we are radiant - looking to God to fill us up, looking on His face to make us what He wants us to be, good and FAITHFUL servants - we are then joyful, and we can laugh! Sarah should remind us that when we become doubtful or afraid that we should remember to let God take care of it. Because well, He already has!
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