Most of my life I have looked up to people. I am short...just kidding.
I have admired many. Been jealous of some (if I must be honest).
Looking up means something different to everyone. Thankfully, for me it means looking up to Jesus. But is hasn't always meant back to the jealous comment. My prayer is that this post will help others look to Jesus first and always.
When I was little I looked up to my great-granny. She was able to slow down life for me. When I was with her she gave me her full attention and did things to make me laugh and feel special. She let me drink Coke from a bottle while sitting in her chair reading books. She didn't even get mad at me when I spilled my Coke on the carpet by mistake. We picked up pecans together for countless hours and I enjoyed every moment because she let me help. When she fried cornbread she would make me an extra large piece for me because it was my favorite and when she popped popcorn (the old fashioned way) she would take the lid off the pot and let the kernels pop out because it made me laugh. She drove to church every Sunday and was just a joy to be with; I looked up to her.
My neighbor held a special place in my heart. Her name is Miss DoDo...and that is true and not to be funny. Her back door was always open and led straight to the kitchen. She fed me many a cake, cookie, and meal. I admired all she did, keeping a clean and lovely home, playing piano at church, laughing with all us girls as we were in her home all the time. She never seemed to tire of us being there. Rain or snow, the door was still open. She just took our shoes off and hung our socks to dry. I learned to swim at an early age because she and her husband took me along to the pool. To this day when I see her she puts a smile on my face. I look up to her.
After becoming a Christian I looked for others to look up to, to learn from, to be like. It's that last part that created trouble in my heart and mind and I didn't even know. It was not until much later in life that I realized as I was looking up to other people I was forgetting to look up to the one who needed the first and most consideration. My father in Heaven, my Lord, my Jesus. His Spirit indwelled within me and I rarely stopped to consider this amazing gift. I was too busy seeing others with great joy in their heart and all their "ducks in a row" and I wanted to be just like them. I was comparing myself to them and compromising myself and my relationship with Christ and achieving disappointment rather than Joy.
God wants us to have mentors.
He does.
Titus 2 teaches us how God would have women to mentor one another.
"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2:3-5
But God always desires our hearts first love to be Him, as we are His.
Even before our good works for Him the Lord desires our love. This is demonstrated when He speaks to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:2-4.
My life has been filled with women to look up to. I could name a dozen others. But where I got off track was when I was looking to them and not to God. I was looking to them so much and trying to achieve a stronger relationship with Christ through them and that, my friend, led me astray. Our upward gaze should be focused on Jesus. Those he sends our way to mentor us are not to be placed before the Father. Most likely, a good and honest mentor will be quick to let you know that they will disappoint but the Father above will not. The dictionary defines mentor as "a wise and trusted counselor or teacher". When you search for a Christian mentor search for one that puts the Lord first in her life. Look for one who admits her failures and shares how she learns from them. Look for one that always points you to Christ, through her words, through her actions, through her wise counsel. As you look up to her remember your first love, the Lord. And also remember the grace and forgiveness that He gives to you. It is an example of the grace and forgiveness we are to give to others.
Looking up.
Consider those two words today.
Are you taking time to look up to your first love....Jesus?
Spend time today evaluating your personal time that you give to Christ. Time in the Bible. Time in prayer. Time sitting quietly to listen to the One who is waiting for you to look up to Him.
Blessings~ Jodie
Thank you for this post, I needed to read this <3