In this world of ups and downs, adversity, despair, sin and shame we often complain and see darkness. Satan loves that! He is prowling around, looking for anyone he can devour (1 Peter 5:8) and he is happy to see those who are caught up in focusing on the darkness.
Take a moment to see the light.
Even when we suffer, even when there is pain, God is present and writing love notes all over the sky for you...his chosen and dearly loved children. It takes a moment sometime to stop and fix our gaze on Him. How is it that we are able to be consumed by darkness when it only takes a sliver of light to awaken a dark space? Let's refocus on the light.
Take a moment to enjoy the gifts.
Love, Mercy, Forgiveness...they shine bright in a world of treasures that moth and dust destroy!
These gifts are freely given and available to us all. But we live in a world that says, "You don't deserve them", "You must earn them". My friend, that is just the lion prowling around looking to devour the one who has lost their focus. Focus on the Light. He says, "My gift is freely given", "I have come to save and not condemn".
Are you willing to take a moment to refocus?Sometime we have seen things the same way for so long that it is difficult to look at them differently. I remember visiting the eye doctor for the first time after many years. My glasses were outdated and I did not realize that although I could see I was not seeing clearly. After being fitted with contacts for the very first time I left the doctors office. When I stepped out into the daylight I was breathless. The light took my vision for a moment. My eyes readjusted. And then I stood breathless. How did those leaves get so green? Have there always been a million leaves on one tree? My eyes were seeing beautiful things that I had been missing. I had a new opportunity to see more! You do to! When you turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face...the things of earth will grow strangely dim (sound familiar?).
Turn around and look for a moment.
Just this past weekend when returning from a short road trip to Newport News I noticed a light. There is was developing in the sky to my left. I knew it was coming and there it was...the super moon. Donna was sitting in the passenger seat and I said, "do you see it?" but it was too late for her to view. Up the road just a hair and I decided we have to go back. Sure the moon will be visible from other places but this you have to see. It took time. It took a turn. It took my jeep across an opening in the median with my GPS saying, recalculate!
And there we sat, pulled off on the side of the highway. Laughing, looking, pulling out our cameras. Taking a moment from our world time table and choosing to stop and see the love of the Creator. He whispers in the wind. He speaks in the paintings of the sky. Here I am, loving you, holding the world on it's axis and it's all for you! "God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, AND TO DIVIDE THE LIGHT FROM THE DARKNESS. And God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:17-18, emphasis mine).
Take a moment to see the love of the Creator, to see the light, to enjoy the gifts, be willing to refocus, turn around and look!
He writing love letters all over the place and they are for you!
Blessings from the girl who loves Jesus and drives around in an orange jeep~ Jodie
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