Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lesson in Radiance: Mary and Martha

"Mary....sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving."
Luke 10:39-40

Distractions are everywhere. We are easily deterred from things that are important. But consistenly, God will get our attention and re-direct us back to Him. It is then up to us whether we choose to follow or not. We have been studying some extraordinary women over the past few months. Each woman has been very different from the others, but they have also had one thing in common: they have all had a center focus on Him. They were all extraordinary not because of them, but because of God. God made them and makes us radiant.
This week, God has been teaching me about the importance of being meek. So far, I have learned that  1. meekness does not come naturally and 2. to have a meek heart does not make you weak but truly strong in Christ. When I began reading the chapter on Mary and Martha, I immediately could relate to Martha. In this story, Jesus had to gently teach Martha a lesson in meekness...so that she could be humble and learn that what is most important is to trust in Him and in Him alone.  

Read Luke 10:38-42
Martha was upset with Mary. She was irritated that Mary was sitting rather than working. And then she eventually got so irritated that she complained to Jesus himself in front of everyone. And she was probably shocked when Jesus told her that she was the one in the wrong. Having a meek heart means that you are obedient, no matter the circumstance. You can question God's direction in your heart, but not aloud! ( an example of this is found in Ezekiel 24: 15-17). Martha's end actions shows how subtly and sinfully human pride can corrupt even the best of our actions. Mary had chosen the right thing. She had chosen a listening ear...a listening heart. She was showing a teachable spirit. (Psalm 25:4-5).

Having a meek heart helps us to realize that what God has done for us is far more important than what we do for Him. "Meekness is an attitude of humility toward God and a gentleness towards people, springing from a recognition that God is in control." Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Meekness = Radiance
Are you seeking radiance today?

Lord, I pray that you will help us all to seek You. Lord, may we allow You to be consistently in control and may we have a listening heart. Lord, transform us, change us, clothe us with meekness, fill us with Your Spirit and produce in us a "Mary" heart,  not only for our own enjoyment and pleasure, but even more for Your glory and so that we may radiate and reflect Christ to our world. I pray it in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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