"And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the
mother of all living." Genesis 3:20
If you have been involved with Faithfully Fit in the past, you know that we have discussed Eve. The last time I spoke on Eve and lessons to be learned from her was due to the fact that we were studying "Bad Girls of the Bible." Eve had her faults (don't we all?), but we can learn from her and what the Bible has to say about her "sheer radiance" even through the temptation, fall, and curse that she is most well-known for.
Remember our key verse for this session?
Eve was radiant. She was made...created..by God's hands. She was formed out of Adam, to be Adam's perfect helpmate....suited just for him. She was not just spoken into existence, but God created her from the living tissue of Adam to be radiant...unashamed.....beautiful. (Genesis 2:20-25)
The Bible does not give a physical description of Eve - you know 5ft 10 inches, 150 pounds, golden blonde hair, and knockout abs - but rather her beauty is described through her duty to her Creator and her role alongside her husband. Eve was created by God to fulfill the Biblical role of a wife. Not to be under Adam..but to walk alongside him and support him...to become one with him. Eve's radiance was not found in her "outward appearance" but in what she was made to be for Christ. Made not only to he a helpmate to Adam but to be the "mother of all living."
Even in the darkness of temptation and the fall, God still used Eve in the curse. God could have ended it right there. He could have been done...but our God is full of grace and mercy. God knew her heart and knew that sin was going to enter the world but from the very beginning He had a plan. A plan to "save the world and not condemn it" (John 3:17)
Genesis 3:15 says this (directed to the serpent)
"I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your descendants and her descendants will be enemies. One of her descendants will crush your head, and you will bite his heel.”
Through Him, Eve had a hope. Hope for one of her descendants to make her wrong.....right. Because she continued to"look upon Him" she was full of radiance...full of Joy...even in darkness...even in sin. We too can become radiant, but not on our own. Are you ready to look into His face today?
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