Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Yes, Lord!

Three women standing in a parking lot.
All different. One in her thirties with small children.
One in her fifties with grandchildren.
One in her forties with teenagers.
United by Christ.

Three women standing, talking, laughing and one says, "Did I tell you about the service I attended"?
The other two listen intently.
At this service the pastor starts and says, "YES, LORD. He says, YES, LORD; yes, Lord; yes, Lord." For half an hour the pastor says, "Yes Lord" in every way that it could be said.
And all that were listening were in agreement. They echoed back, "Yes, Lord".

The two listening stare wide-eyed. They even laugh at the thought of a thirty minute, two word, repeated message. In jest, they lift arms and say, "Yes, Lord".

And then the end of the message is shared.
After 30 minutes and all those being led to a united agreement the pastor prays.

"Now that you know the answer Lord, tell us the question".

I can hear the pin drop now.
The chills as they realize the point.
A spirit of willingness.
A spirit of YES. Yes, Lord.
No matter what the call; no matter what the question.
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."
Psalm 51:12
The two in the parking lot listening to the third agree. Yes, Lord. Yes, we must be willing no matter what the call; no matter what the question. No matter what the impossible looks like, it is possible for YOU.
Three women standing in the parking lot.
All different.
Part ways...united in Christ.
Ready to say, "Yes, Lord"!
Is your spirit willing? Willing to say yes, Lord? No matter what the call?
Christ sacrificed His life for you and I.
Consider the answer you will give to whatever question He may ask you today!
~because He lives! Jodie
"Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." Isaiah 26:8

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