One of our Faithfully Fit ladies gave Jodie and I a gift once...a sign that said this:
I have it in my bathroom.
I read it when I am brushing my teeth or fixing my hair.
But recently, it has become a resounding voice in my head.
And then, this morning...God reminded me of it..again.
You see, to be quite honest with you, I am a little scared right now.
I told the evening class last night about some uncertainties at work and how that has been a concern for me...whether or not I will have a job next week..but that it not really what is scaring me.
What has been on my heart and mind more is the trip that I will be taking tomorrow with my dear friend and ministry partner, Jodie.
We leave in the morning for She Speaks.
We leave in the morning on an adventure that will change us forever.
We leave in the morning with open hearts and hands asking God to show us where He wants us to go...and I cannot see the staircase...I am not sure if there are handrails...and I am also not quite sure if I am "in shape" enough to take all those stairs.
"Now, Donna," you say. "You and Jodie are soooo good at what you do. You make such a great team." (thank you for the compliment and encouragement, by the way!)
I do not discount that and each and every day is a blessing working with Jodie...but we have done it all right here at home. There has only been a small staircase to climb...and we now have practice at those stairs!
But God being the "on time" God that He is...gave me just what I needed this morning.
As I read my devotion, I was reminded of Joseph - you know the one with the beautiful coat of many colors (Genesis 37). The Joseph who had a dream that that his family would bow down to him. The Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of him. I bet his staircase was really scary. I bet he thought that God had possibly abandoned him - but through it all God had a plan.
God reminded me in Psalm 86 that He alone is God and
that He alone will do great and wondrous things (v.10).
As I prayed today because I feel grossly unprepared to go out where God leads, He reminded me that I will not go alone. That He has ordered my steps and that He has and will continue to use my will for His purposes, even when I am not paying attention. He reminded me now and earlier today to seek Him wholeheartedly and to stop looking ahead at the whole staircase but to take one step at a time.

Thank you to those who are and will continue to pray for Jodie and I as we walk in the Truth that has been laid out before us. May you know that the same power that He offered through Jesus is not only offered to us but to each of you too.....Are you willing to step out as well? We would love to have you join us!
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