
All of these statements have one thing in common.
They each describe my time at She Speaks 2014.
The more I seek you, The more I find you.
Kari Jobe's song, The More I Seek You, has come to life in a powerful way for me. Truly over the last six years I have sought the Lord harder than I ever have and truly He continually shows Himself. My time at She Speaks 2014 was incredible for many reasons. Great speakers, wonderful women, delicious food, amazing music. But the most exceptional thing for me was the number of times God spoke to my heart and confirmed His words for me. I would sit and listen intently to Lysa TerKeurst and He would whisper. And each whisper would confirm His leading. Continually He was shining light on the Word and always clearly answering my questions.
Sitting at the feet of the Lord is never without result.
And the result is always drawing nearer to the King.
And my heart is always left overwhelmed by His great love.
A sea of women created a traffic jam when I first arrived and I initially felt overwhelmed, even breathless. Why am I here? Suddenly the sweetest face emerged from the crowd, a smile and a friendly greeting, all helped to calm me. Lydia was sent for this very purpose. I will not forget her. The entire weekend passed without bumping into her again until the very last moment. Just as we were getting ready to enter the prayer room for one last prayer there was Lydia. God has perfect timing.
Proverbs 31 took care of all the details and made each lady feel loved. We were all prayed for by name in advance. Flowers and candles welcomed us and transformed the hotel space into a home. Everywhere...beautiful!
Beautiful women, all with loving hearts, all with a desire to share God's love with others.
There was Nancy from New Jersey who desires courage.
Dorri, spelled with two R's, who asks for patience.
Shanti, a beautiful mother of five. Lisa, who sparkles with the kindest smile.
Becky who has been stalked for years and refuses to stop living in fear.
Kelly who just stared a blog and has posted two times.
And many more.
All beautiful.
I now carry a "one-word prayer" for each one.
Each message spoken was powerful and each moved my heart toward prayer for more boldness. I have come back with a great desire to spend time in the darkroom while God brightens His light in me so that I may emerge a lighthouse for Him! (Thank you Christine Caine)
I plan to study more about the hidden face of God and his chosen people. I desire to GO and MAKE. To go into all the nations and make the name of Christ known...make Jesus famous! (Thank you Lysa TerKeurst)
I'm ready to continue pouring all of myself into whatever mission field the Lord plots before me and I find myself overflowing with joy and love that I pray will flow out and over to all that I meet!
Yes, it was Spirit-moving. Challenging. Confirming.
And one of the best gifts of all is that I get to come home and continue serving alongside my AMAZING ministry partner and friend!
Donna, ready to make the BEST YES!
And with His Words and His ability and for His glory, I will stand firm and be faithful to follow where He leads.
She Speaks 2014 was a blessing to my heart, mind and soul. To all the Faithfully Fit girls who prayed and supported us...Thank you from the depths of my heart!
Overflowing with love for you all~ Jodie
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16"If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11