Not just my princess.
Not just her daddy's princess.
A very special princess to a very special prince.
This past week we had prom preparations going on at our house. I have a son who has been to a prom before and a daughter who was going to her first prom. The preparations for my daughter were quite different then with my son. For my son we bought the ticket and rented the tux. The time total was less than 30 minutes! For my daughter we tried on dresses, shopped for shoes, went through 4 or 5 dress fittings, looked for jewelry, make-up and on and on. On the day of prom my daughter and I had a regimented plan of attack for getting ready that started well before the prom started! My son went fishing, came home, showered and dressed. AND don't get me started on the difference between dad's response to his daughter going to prom verses his son...let's just say she may not realize it, but she is his princess.
When it was all said and done my daughter looked lovely.
I wanted her to feel like a princess.
She looked like one to her mom. But she looked like one to me before she had her pale blue beaded dress on.
My heart was just touched at how lovely she looked, but as the night went on I had a prayer on my heart.
Lord, I pray she knows that she is your princess.
Everyday. All the time. To the One King. To Jesus.
Last year my daughter attended our annual women's conference with me. I was filled with joy to have her beside me singing, praying, taking in the Word. I spoke at the conference about beauty. The beauty that God sees in all of us. How we should use His Word as our mirror and not look into the world's warped mirror.
"All beautiful you are, my darling. There is no flaw in you."~ Song of Solomon 4:7.
This year my daughter will attend our annual women's conference with me again. I am so thankful to have this time with her. This year I will speak about having an overflowing cup for Christ. A cup flowing with his love and his word. The more we sit with Jesus, the more we will realize that we are all a princess to Him.
We are loved.
We are cherished.
We are His.
His Princess!
Can I take a moment to encourage you to come and bring your princess with you also? It promises to be a special time. All the lovely ladies of the land should come! (For conference details look under the tab, This One's for the Girls, Yesterday and Today and Forever)