We can not wait to see you there!
...where sweat is beautiful and everything is for the glory of God!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Multi-Tasking Queen?
This post is part of Lysa TerKeurst’s “The Best Yes” Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with many other inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE.
Typically It takes a lot to overwhelm me.
By nature I am a multi-tasking queen!
I am continually doing two, three things at once and often get frustrated when others around me cannot multi-task. I start in the morning and continue throughout the day.
I brush my teeth and curl my hair.
Talk on the phone and drive to work.
Drink a cup of coffee and check my email.
Cook dinner and plan the next day’s breakfast.
Watch TV and read a book.
Buy groceries and plan a meeting over the phone.
One year a good friend bought me the same ornament I bought her (unknowingly)...
This ornament was part of Hallmark's Queen of Multi-tasking collection, so I am convinced that I am not in this alone!
Honestly, I even like that I can juggle effectively and efficiently all that I put on my plate.
Or can I?
Others see when I am overwhelmed before I do.
My husband warns me.
My children run from me.
My friends try to love me.
That's why Lysa TerKeurst's new book, The Best Yes, called my name when I read this one powerful statement from Chapter 3:
You will be one unrushed girl making Best Yes choices, able to remember that our choices today affect our lives tomorrow and God desires for us to do whatever we do for His glory! (1Cor. 10:31)
Faithfully Following the One whose faithfulness is great~ Jodie
Typically It takes a lot to overwhelm me.
By nature I am a multi-tasking queen!
I am continually doing two, three things at once and often get frustrated when others around me cannot multi-task. I start in the morning and continue throughout the day.
I brush my teeth and curl my hair.
Talk on the phone and drive to work.
Drink a cup of coffee and check my email.
Cook dinner and plan the next day’s breakfast.
Watch TV and read a book.
Buy groceries and plan a meeting over the phone.
One year a good friend bought me the same ornament I bought her (unknowingly)...
This ornament was part of Hallmark's Queen of Multi-tasking collection, so I am convinced that I am not in this alone!
Honestly, I even like that I can juggle effectively and efficiently all that I put on my plate.
Or can I?
Others see when I am overwhelmed before I do.
My husband warns me.
My children run from me.
My friends try to love me.
One thing I have learned from painful experience is that when my relationship with Jesus is distanced I am overwhelmed easily.
When I choose to put other things in front of and in place of my time with Jesus I am overwhelmed and pushed to the brink of emotional disaster.
So I had to get the book...it became a must read on my list!
And now I am gleaning a wealth of treasured truth to keep me focused on overwhelming my soul with the desires of my Savior! Furthermore, Lysa's book is full of tools that assist me when making choices. Tools that are guiding me to THE BEST YES in all I consider adding to my schedule. With each chapter of the book I have been able to immediately learn and apply what I have read to the decision-making dilemmas of that very day! The result has been peace and a confident reassurance that when I keep my heart and mind focused on the glory of my first love, Jesus, all my yes's and no's will be for His ultimate glory!
So whether you are wondering if you have time to
add a bible study to your schedule,
help a friend in need,
take a mission trip to Uganda
or just wondering if you should have a neighbor over for dinner...The Best Yes is for you!
If you are a woman who lives with the stress of a overwhelmed schedule and the ache of an underwhelmed soul...The Best Yes is for you!
Even if you are a woman who just can't decide whether to have fish or chicken, wear pink or purple, this is a good read for you! So go grab Lysa's book and then send your friends and family a memo something like this one:
They will thank you later because you will be one well-rested, unrushed girl with an amazing ability to leap tall towers (oops, no-no! not Wonder Women...get the book and you'll understand!). You will be one unrushed girl making Best Yes choices, able to remember that our choices today affect our lives tomorrow and God desires for us to do whatever we do for His glory! (1Cor. 10:31)
Faithfully Following the One whose faithfulness is great~ Jodie
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
She Speaks - Shut up!
It has been about a week and a half since Jodie and I returned from She Speaks and I am still finding it difficult to put into words all that God taught me there. For me, there were times of laughter, times of tears, and times of growth. It was a combination of pure joy and pure discipline - both provided by a loving Father who wants only the best for me.
I went to She Speaks with all intentions of it being about learning how to grow and do the ministry of Faithfully Following (and Faithfully Fit) but I came away with so much more. Now for those of you who supported us, thank you, and please know that God taught me a lot about how to minister to others. But He did it in a way I did not expect. He reminded me over and over again that in order to effectively minister to those around me...that I must believe in me...that I must trust Him to do a work in me that I can then share with you. He reminded me that I have a story to tell and that He loves me...because I am me!
See, I don't have a tragic life story to tell you. I am a "good church girl" - if you will - and Satan wants me to think that my story is not important. But, I stand redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and I am made whole through Him. And God taught me at She Speaks that if I am not me, then I rob the world from seeing the unique piece of God's glory that is found in me. For God tells me in His word (and He tells you too!) that:
I am His Beloved.
Jeremiah 31:3
I am a Child of God
1 John 3:1
I am Heaven's Poetry
Ephesians 2:10
I am Forgiven
1 Peter 2:24
I am whole in Christ
Colossians 2:10
I am Never Alone
Deuteronomy 31:8
I am an Exquisite Fragrance
2 Corinthians 2:15
I am Free
Galatians 5:1
(shared with permission from Proverbs 31 Ministries)
So, God speaks to me saying...
Shut-up the voice of Satan in your mind and heart for he has already been defeated.
Shut -up what the world will say that you are...and follow the Truth..found only through Me.
Shut-up those who say you don't have a testimony because you do - without a tragedy but with the same amount of victory!!
Shut- up negative thoughts about yourself - do not beat yourself up about what you are not...bring what you are!!!
So, now She Speaks.....Shut-up! And bring it!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Interwoven By Prayer!
It's a word that came to me a few days ago as I prayed for women that I have met once and likely will only meet again by chance. But we are interwoven.
Interwoven by a great God who created us all.
Interwoven by a like desire to share Christ with others through our written and spoken words.
And now, interwoven by my prayers.
While I continued to organize all the information that I recently received at Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks conference I prayed over the ladies I was able to share time and stories. Stories of ministries, families, hopes and desires. I had a heart felt desire to stay connected in some way and then I remembered my prayers for them are our connection. And greater than our connection to one another, they are the link that then tie us to God. In Romans chapter 1 and verse 9 Paul states, "For God as my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers". Paul was not always able to be near those he lifted in his prayers, but he was always able to pray. While traveling, while imprisoned, while out spreading the truth of Jesus He was able to pray. He often mentioned this and often asked for the prayers of others.
We are interwoven by a common Creator.
We are interwoven by a uniform heart's desire.
We are interwoven by whispered prayers.
Today I will be placing all the cards of those I met at She speaks in a woven gift. It's a handcrafted bag created by an adult orphan raised in Myanmar who works in a loom house. The bright blue work of art was given to me by a sister named Stephanie who I now lift in prayer. I lift her up because she works in an environment where people ridicule her for praying with people. Interwoven!
Today I pray for a sweet Faithfully Fit sister who lives 6 hours away, up a mountain that I only get to travel to once a year at best. She created the jewelry pictured above and prays over each piece as she handcrafts them with wire and beads. Interwoven!
Last night as I turned through pages of a prayer journal, penned a prayer for my college bound son, I saw the names of two sweet friends with a young growing family. Today I saw a post. It's their anniversary! Interwoven!
Would you like to be woven in? Woven into my prayerful heart. I like to whisper One-Word Prayers. It may not seem like much but I trust that when God hears your name and your chosen One-Word He knows the one He Knit together and He knows the need represented by that One-Word Prayer.
Send me your One-Word.
Let's be interwoven!
Lifting high the name of the One who weaves us together~ Jodie
It's a word that came to me a few days ago as I prayed for women that I have met once and likely will only meet again by chance. But we are interwoven.
Interwoven by a great God who created us all.
Interwoven by a like desire to share Christ with others through our written and spoken words.
And now, interwoven by my prayers.
While I continued to organize all the information that I recently received at Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks conference I prayed over the ladies I was able to share time and stories. Stories of ministries, families, hopes and desires. I had a heart felt desire to stay connected in some way and then I remembered my prayers for them are our connection. And greater than our connection to one another, they are the link that then tie us to God. In Romans chapter 1 and verse 9 Paul states, "For God as my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers". Paul was not always able to be near those he lifted in his prayers, but he was always able to pray. While traveling, while imprisoned, while out spreading the truth of Jesus He was able to pray. He often mentioned this and often asked for the prayers of others.
We are interwoven by a common Creator.
We are interwoven by a uniform heart's desire.
We are interwoven by whispered prayers.
Today I will be placing all the cards of those I met at She speaks in a woven gift. It's a handcrafted bag created by an adult orphan raised in Myanmar who works in a loom house. The bright blue work of art was given to me by a sister named Stephanie who I now lift in prayer. I lift her up because she works in an environment where people ridicule her for praying with people. Interwoven!
Today I pray for a sweet Faithfully Fit sister who lives 6 hours away, up a mountain that I only get to travel to once a year at best. She created the jewelry pictured above and prays over each piece as she handcrafts them with wire and beads. Interwoven!
Last night as I turned through pages of a prayer journal, penned a prayer for my college bound son, I saw the names of two sweet friends with a young growing family. Today I saw a post. It's their anniversary! Interwoven!
Would you like to be woven in? Woven into my prayerful heart. I like to whisper One-Word Prayers. It may not seem like much but I trust that when God hears your name and your chosen One-Word He knows the one He Knit together and He knows the need represented by that One-Word Prayer.
Send me your One-Word.
Let's be interwoven!
Lifting high the name of the One who weaves us together~ Jodie
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
She Speaks Overwhelms!
Answer to prayer.
All of these statements have one thing in common.
They each describe my time at She Speaks 2014.
The more I seek you, The more I find you.
Kari Jobe's song, The More I Seek You, has come to life in a powerful way for me. Truly over the last six years I have sought the Lord harder than I ever have and truly He continually shows Himself. My time at She Speaks 2014 was incredible for many reasons. Great speakers, wonderful women, delicious food, amazing music. But the most exceptional thing for me was the number of times God spoke to my heart and confirmed His words for me. I would sit and listen intently to Lysa TerKeurst and He would whisper. And each whisper would confirm His leading. Continually He was shining light on the Word and always clearly answering my questions.
Sitting at the feet of the Lord is never without result.
And the result is always drawing nearer to the King.
And my heart is always left overwhelmed by His great love.
A sea of women created a traffic jam when I first arrived and I initially felt overwhelmed, even breathless. Why am I here? Suddenly the sweetest face emerged from the crowd, a smile and a friendly greeting, all helped to calm me. Lydia was sent for this very purpose. I will not forget her. The entire weekend passed without bumping into her again until the very last moment. Just as we were getting ready to enter the prayer room for one last prayer there was Lydia. God has perfect timing.
Proverbs 31 took care of all the details and made each lady feel loved. We were all prayed for by name in advance. Flowers and candles welcomed us and transformed the hotel space into a home. Everywhere...beautiful!
Beautiful women, all with loving hearts, all with a desire to share God's love with others.
There was Nancy from New Jersey who desires courage.
Dorri, spelled with two R's, who asks for patience.
Shanti, a beautiful mother of five. Lisa, who sparkles with the kindest smile.
Becky who has been stalked for years and refuses to stop living in fear.
Kelly who just stared a blog and has posted two times.
And many more.
All beautiful.
I now carry a "one-word prayer" for each one.
Each message spoken was powerful and each moved my heart toward prayer for more boldness. I have come back with a great desire to spend time in the darkroom while God brightens His light in me so that I may emerge a lighthouse for Him! (Thank you Christine Caine)
I plan to study more about the hidden face of God and his chosen people. I desire to GO and MAKE. To go into all the nations and make the name of Christ known...make Jesus famous! (Thank you Lysa TerKeurst)
I'm ready to continue pouring all of myself into whatever mission field the Lord plots before me and I find myself overflowing with joy and love that I pray will flow out and over to all that I meet!
Yes, it was Spirit-moving. Challenging. Confirming.
And one of the best gifts of all is that I get to come home and continue serving alongside my AMAZING ministry partner and friend!
"If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11

All of these statements have one thing in common.
They each describe my time at She Speaks 2014.
The more I seek you, The more I find you.
Kari Jobe's song, The More I Seek You, has come to life in a powerful way for me. Truly over the last six years I have sought the Lord harder than I ever have and truly He continually shows Himself. My time at She Speaks 2014 was incredible for many reasons. Great speakers, wonderful women, delicious food, amazing music. But the most exceptional thing for me was the number of times God spoke to my heart and confirmed His words for me. I would sit and listen intently to Lysa TerKeurst and He would whisper. And each whisper would confirm His leading. Continually He was shining light on the Word and always clearly answering my questions.
Sitting at the feet of the Lord is never without result.
And the result is always drawing nearer to the King.
And my heart is always left overwhelmed by His great love.
A sea of women created a traffic jam when I first arrived and I initially felt overwhelmed, even breathless. Why am I here? Suddenly the sweetest face emerged from the crowd, a smile and a friendly greeting, all helped to calm me. Lydia was sent for this very purpose. I will not forget her. The entire weekend passed without bumping into her again until the very last moment. Just as we were getting ready to enter the prayer room for one last prayer there was Lydia. God has perfect timing.
Proverbs 31 took care of all the details and made each lady feel loved. We were all prayed for by name in advance. Flowers and candles welcomed us and transformed the hotel space into a home. Everywhere...beautiful!
Beautiful women, all with loving hearts, all with a desire to share God's love with others.
There was Nancy from New Jersey who desires courage.
Dorri, spelled with two R's, who asks for patience.
Shanti, a beautiful mother of five. Lisa, who sparkles with the kindest smile.
Becky who has been stalked for years and refuses to stop living in fear.
Kelly who just stared a blog and has posted two times.
And many more.
All beautiful.
I now carry a "one-word prayer" for each one.
Each message spoken was powerful and each moved my heart toward prayer for more boldness. I have come back with a great desire to spend time in the darkroom while God brightens His light in me so that I may emerge a lighthouse for Him! (Thank you Christine Caine)
I plan to study more about the hidden face of God and his chosen people. I desire to GO and MAKE. To go into all the nations and make the name of Christ known...make Jesus famous! (Thank you Lysa TerKeurst)
I'm ready to continue pouring all of myself into whatever mission field the Lord plots before me and I find myself overflowing with joy and love that I pray will flow out and over to all that I meet!
Yes, it was Spirit-moving. Challenging. Confirming.
And one of the best gifts of all is that I get to come home and continue serving alongside my AMAZING ministry partner and friend!
Donna, ready to make the BEST YES!
And with His Words and His ability and for His glory, I will stand firm and be faithful to follow where He leads.
She Speaks 2014 was a blessing to my heart, mind and soul. To all the Faithfully Fit girls who prayed and supported us...Thank you from the depths of my heart!
Overflowing with love for you all~ Jodie
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16"If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
When you can't see the stairs....
One of our Faithfully Fit ladies gave Jodie and I a gift once...a sign that said this:
I have it in my bathroom.
I read it when I am brushing my teeth or fixing my hair.
But recently, it has become a resounding voice in my head.
And then, this morning...God reminded me of it..again.
You see, to be quite honest with you, I am a little scared right now.
I told the evening class last night about some uncertainties at work and how that has been a concern for me...whether or not I will have a job next week..but that it not really what is scaring me.
What has been on my heart and mind more is the trip that I will be taking tomorrow with my dear friend and ministry partner, Jodie.
We leave in the morning for She Speaks.
We leave in the morning on an adventure that will change us forever.
We leave in the morning with open hearts and hands asking God to show us where He wants us to go...and I cannot see the staircase...I am not sure if there are handrails...and I am also not quite sure if I am "in shape" enough to take all those stairs.
"Now, Donna," you say. "You and Jodie are soooo good at what you do. You make such a great team." (thank you for the compliment and encouragement, by the way!)
I do not discount that and each and every day is a blessing working with Jodie...but we have done it all right here at home. There has only been a small staircase to climb...and we now have practice at those stairs!
But God being the "on time" God that He is...gave me just what I needed this morning.
As I read my devotion, I was reminded of Joseph - you know the one with the beautiful coat of many colors (Genesis 37). The Joseph who had a dream that that his family would bow down to him. The Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of him. I bet his staircase was really scary. I bet he thought that God had possibly abandoned him - but through it all God had a plan.
God reminded me in Psalm 86 that He alone is God and
that He alone will do great and wondrous things (v.10).
As I prayed today because I feel grossly unprepared to go out where God leads, He reminded me that I will not go alone. That He has ordered my steps and that He has and will continue to use my will for His purposes, even when I am not paying attention. He reminded me now and earlier today to seek Him wholeheartedly and to stop looking ahead at the whole staircase but to take one step at a time.

Thank you to those who are and will continue to pray for Jodie and I as we walk in the Truth that has been laid out before us. May you know that the same power that He offered through Jesus is not only offered to us but to each of you too.....Are you willing to step out as well? We would love to have you join us!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
42 and Joy-filled!
Some love them, some loathe them.
Some celebrate them, some hide from them.
Some get excited, some get disappointed.
Some even choose to lie and say they didn't happen.
Yesterday was my birthday.
I turned 42. That is a truthful age. Honest!
This is my favorite picture from my time celebrating my milestone...warning its a "selfie"...or an "usie"...a picture taken on a cell phone!
You may not be able to tell why I love this picture so much. Allow me to share what I see and feel when I look.
I see joy. Inner joy.
I see the joy of a wife who loves her husband. (He deserves an applaud! He arranged this special day with a dear friend of ours who shared hospitality, love and good cooking!)
I see the joy of a mom who is so excited her children are present in her life.
I see a change.
A change you may not notice, but I do.
The change is the JOY in my heart that now spills out in my smile and my wrinkled nose!
It hasn't always been there, though I have always wanted it! I just spent time chasing the wrong things to get it!
Now I chase Jesus! Well I don't have to chase far, He's always near!
He created me and never left me. I am His marvelous work and so are you!
Not one day of my life is a surprise to Him.
He knew the birthdays I would spend without joy and those I would spend with joy overflowing and He works everything together for good! He is good.
He is the treasure of my heart and because of Him I treasure other things more fully.
My family, my friends, yes.
But also with great joy I treasure sisters!
Sisters in Christ.
Other women who see Him and need Him. I treasure YOU!
I'm 42 and one day old.
I have joy in my heart. The joy of a Savior!
And each day I enjoy sharing that joy with others!
I pray you have that JOY also! If you don't can I say a prayer for you today?
You amaze me. You stir my heart in ways that no other can. You pour blessing upon blessing. I stand in awe of your love, your patience, your gentle and quiet ways. Your strength abounds and it is present for us all. Thank you. Lord, I know someone today needs your joy. They need you because they are lonely, they are hurting, they are lost. I lift them to you. Not even knowing their name, I lift them. You know them. You knitted them together, you know each hair, each heart and each tear. Nothing about them goes unnoticed to you. Lord, let them feel your love, let them see your blessings. Place someone in their life today that is willing to share your joy with them. May your family be added to today! I will rejoice in new sisters!
If you need a place to fellowship with other women, explore God's word, share prayer and experience joy with sisters we invite you to Faithfully Fit! Click around our blog and see what we are all about. Hopefully you will notice that "whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God!" (1 Cor. 10:31; emphasis mine)
Some love them, some loathe them.
Some celebrate them, some hide from them.
Some get excited, some get disappointed.
Some even choose to lie and say they didn't happen.
Yesterday was my birthday.
I turned 42. That is a truthful age. Honest!
This is my favorite picture from my time celebrating my milestone...warning its a "selfie"...or an "usie"...a picture taken on a cell phone!
You may not be able to tell why I love this picture so much. Allow me to share what I see and feel when I look.
I see joy. Inner joy.
I see the joy of a wife who loves her husband. (He deserves an applaud! He arranged this special day with a dear friend of ours who shared hospitality, love and good cooking!)
I see the joy of a mom who is so excited her children are present in her life.
I see a change.
A change you may not notice, but I do.
The change is the JOY in my heart that now spills out in my smile and my wrinkled nose!
It hasn't always been there, though I have always wanted it! I just spent time chasing the wrong things to get it!
Now I chase Jesus! Well I don't have to chase far, He's always near!
He created me and never left me. I am His marvelous work and so are you!
Not one day of my life is a surprise to Him.
He knew the birthdays I would spend without joy and those I would spend with joy overflowing and He works everything together for good! He is good.
He is the treasure of my heart and because of Him I treasure other things more fully.
My family, my friends, yes.
But also with great joy I treasure sisters!
Sisters in Christ.
Other women who see Him and need Him. I treasure YOU!
I'm 42 and one day old.
I have joy in my heart. The joy of a Savior!
And each day I enjoy sharing that joy with others!
I pray you have that JOY also! If you don't can I say a prayer for you today?
You amaze me. You stir my heart in ways that no other can. You pour blessing upon blessing. I stand in awe of your love, your patience, your gentle and quiet ways. Your strength abounds and it is present for us all. Thank you. Lord, I know someone today needs your joy. They need you because they are lonely, they are hurting, they are lost. I lift them to you. Not even knowing their name, I lift them. You know them. You knitted them together, you know each hair, each heart and each tear. Nothing about them goes unnoticed to you. Lord, let them feel your love, let them see your blessings. Place someone in their life today that is willing to share your joy with them. May your family be added to today! I will rejoice in new sisters!
If you need a place to fellowship with other women, explore God's word, share prayer and experience joy with sisters we invite you to Faithfully Fit! Click around our blog and see what we are all about. Hopefully you will notice that "whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God!" (1 Cor. 10:31; emphasis mine)
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