Bringing back a past devotion because there are a lot of coffee loving Jesus girls out there!
I never was a coffee kinda gal...
not until I discovered all the ways there were to have coffee! Now I look forward to a cup of coffee, especially on a cold, rainy day. It warms my insides and puts a smile on my face. It satisfies me completely.
When I found out that Starbucks was opening a store in Roanoke Rapids I laughed. I could not conceive a store known for $5 coffee drinks making it in my small hometown. Since Starbucks has opened I have often had to place a limit on the number of trips I make in a week to fill up on their yummy treats. They make my coffee just the way I like! I not only get to pick my size and flavor, I can pick all kinds of things. And at the end of the order when they hand me my cup, if it is not just the right flavor and temperature they will make it again.
A friend accompanied me one day on my coffee outing. And after I placed my order for a Grande White Chocolate mocha, skinny, no-whip, half cafĂ© latte she said, “I am surprised you didn’t tell them what temperature to make it!” We had a good laugh. (AND I now know you actually can tell them what temperature you want it!) And guess what girls? I don’t know if God is up in heaven drinking lattes, but He does tell us what temperature He wants us to be. Or rather what temperature he doesn’t want us to be. Revelation 3:15-6:
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.”
God wants us to on fire for Him. He would rather us be cold toward Him than to be lukewarm.
It’s an all or nothing type of thing.
Love me completely,
serve me with passion,
and get excited about our relationship.
When we are lukewarm, undecided, just moving through the motions it is so unappetizing to Him that He wants to vomit us out!
A hot shower
A bowl of soup
A cup of cocoa
A warm bed
A cold glass of water
An icepop
A cold soda
We want things just the right temperature. God wants our relationship with Him to be just the right temperature. He wants passion in our worship, heartfelt praise in our prayer, excitement in our service, and joy in our witness. What’s your temperature gauge reading? Are you stone cold toward the Lord; on fire for Him; or lukewarm?
Be on Fire for Him! Jodie
Let’s take our temperature:
What are your feelings when you get ready for a Sunday service? Do you go because you are supposed to, because you always have or do you look forward to an opportunity to worship and praise your Savior? Do you go expecting to grow closer to Him?
What is your devotion time like? Do you read the Bible looking for the last verse you are “supposed” to read or do you find yourself drawn into the word, wanting more? Is the Word living nourishment for your mind and soul?
Imagine the perfect cup of coffee that you would serve the Lord. How would you prepare it?